No time for resting at the NBVTC!
Sherington ploughing match
It's only been 6 days in the new year and we were already back in action! The Sherington ploughing match, organised by kind permission of Mr Michael Cook in support of Willen Hospice, was a success! 43 tractors took to the fields in challenging conditions due to the recent rain. Despite this everything went well with a good level of competition, and everybody enjoyed the event. You can see all the pictures courtesy of Sandi and myself on the latest Club Events gallery. The next event is only a few days away and I am told at the time of publishing this that we already have over 30 entries for the Llama ploughing match, which is great! Support for our Club is on the rise, with also quite a few newcomers learning about us through this website! We certainly look forward to a great year of events!